if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.image.Lightbox"]){ //_hasResource checks added by build. Do not use _hasResource directly in your code. dojo._hasResource["dojox.image.Lightbox"] = true; dojo.provide("dojox.image.Lightbox"); dojo.experimental("dojox.image.Lightbox"); dojo.require("dijit.Dialog"); dojo.require("dojox.fx._base"); dojo.declare("dojox.image.Lightbox", dijit._Widget,{ // summary: // A dojo-based Lightbox implementation. // // description: // An Elegant, keyboard accessible, markup and store capable Lightbox widget to show images // in a modal dialog-esque format. Can show individual images as Modal dialog, or can group // images with multiple entry points, all using a single "master" Dialog for visualization // // key controls: // ESC - close // Down Arrow / Rt Arrow / N - Next Image // Up Arrow / Lf Arrow / P - Previous Image // // example: // | show lightbox // // example: // | show group lightbox // | show group lightbox // // example: // | not implemented fully yet, though works with basic datastore access. need to manually call // | widget._attachedDialog.addImage(item,"fromStore") for each item in a store result set. // |
// // group: String // Grouping images in a page with similar tags will provide a 'slideshow' like grouping of images group: "", // title: String // A string of text to be shown in the Lightbox beneath the image (empty if using a store) title: "", // href; String // Link to image to use for this Lightbox node (empty if using a store). href: "", // duration: Integer // Generic time in MS to adjust the feel of widget. could possibly add various // durations for the various actions (dialog fadein, sizeing, img fadein ...) duration: 500, // _allowPassthru: Boolean // Privately set this to disable/enable natural link of anchor tags _allowPassthru: false, // _attachedDialg: dojox.image._LightboxDialog // The pointer to the global lightbox dialog for this widget _attachedDialog: null, // try to share a single underlay per page? startup: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); // setup an attachment to the masterDialog (or create the masterDialog) var tmp = dijit.byId('dojoxLightboxDialog'); if(tmp){ this._attachedDialog = tmp; }else{ // this is the first instance to start, so we make the masterDialog this._attachedDialog = new dojox.image._LightboxDialog({ id: "dojoxLightboxDialog" }); this._attachedDialog.startup(); } if(!this.store){ // FIXME: full store support lacking, have to manually call this._attachedDialog.addImage(imgage,group) as it stands this._addSelf(); this.connect(this.domNode, "onclick", "_handleClick"); } }, _addSelf: function(){ // summary: Add this instance to the master LightBoxDialog this._attachedDialog.addImage({ href: this.href, title: this.title },this.group||null); }, _handleClick: function(/* Event */e){ // summary: Handle the click on the link if(!this._allowPassthru){ e.preventDefault(); } else{ return; } this.show(); }, show: function(){ // summary: Show the Lightbox with this instance as the starting point this._attachedDialog.show(this); }, disable: function(){ // summary: Disables event clobbering and dialog, and follows natural link this._allowPassthru = true; }, enable: function(){ // summary: Enables the dialog (prevents default link) this._allowPassthru = false; } }); dojo.declare("dojox.image._LightboxDialog", dijit.Dialog,{ // summary: // The "dialog" shared between any Lightbox instances on the page // // description: // // A widget that intercepts anchor links (typically around images) // and displays a modal Dialog. this is the actual Dialog, which you can // create and populate manually, though should use simple Lightbox's // unless you need to direct access. // // There should only be one of these on a page, so all dojox.image.Lightbox's will us it // (the first instance of a Lightbox to be show()'n will create me If i do not exist) // // title: String // The current title, read from object passed to show() title: "", // FIXME: implement titleTemplate // inGroup: Array // Array of objects. this is populated by from the JSON object _groups, and // should not be populate manually. it is a placeholder for the currently // showing group of images in this master dialog inGroup: null, // imgUrl: String // The src="" attribute of our imageNode (can be null at statup) //Initial value is set to blank.gif to workaround problem in IE when // 404 HTTP error is raised when imgUrl set to null or empty string imgUrl: dojo.moduleUrl("dojo","resources/blank.gif"), // errorMessage: String // The text to display when an unreachable image is linked errorMessage: "Image not found.", // adjust: Boolean // If true, ensure the image always stays within the viewport // more difficult than necessary to disable, but enabled by default // seems sane in most use cases. adjust: true, // an object of arrays, each array (of objects) being a unique 'group' _groups: { XnoGroupX: [] }, // errorImg: Url // Path to the image used when a 404 is encountered errorImg: dojo.moduleUrl("dojox.image","resources/images/warning.png"), // privates: _imageReady: false, _blankImg: dojo.moduleUrl("dojo","resources/blank.gif"), _clone: null, // the "untained" image _wasStyled: null, // indicating taint on the imgNode // animation holders: _loadingAnim:null, _showImageAnim: null, _showNavAnim: null, _animConnects: [], templateString:"
\n", startup: function(){ // summary: Add some extra event handlers, and startup our superclass. this.inherited(arguments); this._clone = dojo.clone(this.imgNode); this.connect(document.documentElement,"onkeypress","_handleKey"); this.connect(window,"onresize","_position"); this.connect(this.nextNode, "onclick", "_nextImage"); this.connect(this.prevNode, "onclick", "_prevImage"); this.connect(this.closeNode, "onclick", "hide"); this._makeAnims(); this._vp = dijit.getViewport(); }, show: function(/* Object */groupData){ // summary: Show the Master Dialog. Starts the chain of events to show // an image in the dialog, including showing the dialog if it is // not already visible // // groupData: Object // needs href and title attributes. the values for this image. var _t = this; // size // we only need to call dijit.Dialog.show() if we're not already open. if(!_t.open){ _t.inherited(arguments); } if(this._wasStyled){ // ugly fix for IE being stupid: dojo._destroyElement(_t.imgNode); _t.imgNode = dojo.clone(_t._clone); dojo.place(_t.imgNode,_t.imageContainer,"first"); _t._makeAnims(); _t._wasStyled = false; } dojo.style(_t.imgNode,"opacity","0"); dojo.style(_t.titleNode,"opacity","0"); _t._imageReady = false; _t.imgNode.src = groupData.href; if((groupData.group && groupData !== "XnoGroupX") || _t.inGroup){ if(!_t.inGroup){ _t.inGroup = _t._groups[(groupData.group)]; // determine where we were or are in the show dojo.forEach(_t.inGroup,function(g,i){ if(g.href == groupData.href){ _t._positionIndex = i; } },_t); } if(!_t._positionIndex){ _t._positionIndex=0; _t.imgNode.src = _t.inGroup[_t._positionIndex].href; } // FIXME: implement titleTemplate _t.groupCount.innerHTML = " (" +(_t._positionIndex+1) +" of "+_t.inGroup.length+")"; _t.prevNode.style.visibility = "visible"; _t.nextNode.style.visibility = "visible"; }else{ // single images don't have buttons, or counters: _t.groupCount.innerHTML = ""; _t.prevNode.style.visibility = "hidden"; _t.nextNode.style.visibility = "hidden"; } _t.textNode.innerHTML = groupData.title; if(!_t._imageReady || _t.imgNode.complete === true){ // connect to the onload of the image _t._imgConnect = dojo.connect(_t.imgNode, "onload", _t, function(){ _t._imageReady = true; _t.resizeTo({ w: _t.imgNode.width, h: _t.imgNode.height, duration:_t.duration }); // cleanup dojo.disconnect(_t._imgConnect); if(_t._imgError){ dojo.disconnect(_t._imgError); } }); // listen for 404's: _t._imgError = dojo.connect(_t.imgNode, "onerror", _t, function(){ dojo.disconnect(_t._imgError); // trigger the above onload with a new src: _t.imgNode.src = _t.errorImg; _t._imageReady = true; _t.textNode.innerHTML = _t.errorMessage; }); // onload doesn't fire in IE if you connect before you set the src. // code to re-set the src after onload connection made: if(dojo.isIE){ _t.imgNode.src = _t.imgNode.src; } }else{ // do it quickly. kind of a code, but image is ready now _t.resizeTo({ w: _t.imgNode.width, h: _t.imgNode.height, duration: 1 }); } }, _nextImage: function(){ // summary: Load next image in group if(!this.inGroup){ return; } if(this._positionIndex+1 this._vp.h || size.w + 50 > this._vp.w)){ size = this._scaleToFit(size); } var _sizeAnim = dojox.fx.sizeTo({ node: this.containerNode, duration: size.duration||this.duration, width: size.w, height: size.h + 30 }); this.connect(_sizeAnim,"onEnd","_showImage"); _sizeAnim.play(15); }, _showImage: function(){ // summary: Fade in the image, and fire showNav this._showImageAnim.play(1); }, _showNav: function(){ // summary: Fade in the footer, and setup our connections. this._showNavAnim.play(1); }, hide: function(){ // summary: Hide the Master Lightbox dojo.fadeOut({node:this.titleNode, duration:5, onEnd: dojo.hitch(this,function(){ // refs #5112 - if you _don't_ change the .src, safari will _never_ fire onload for this image this.imgNode.src = this._blankImg; }) }).play(5); this.inherited(arguments); this.inGroup = null; this._positionIndex = null; }, addImage: function(child, group){ // summary: Add an image to this Master Lightbox // // child: Object // The image information to add. // href: String - link to image (required) // title: String - title to display // // group: String? // attach to group of similar tag or null for individual image instance var g = group; if(!child.href){ return; } if(g){ if(!this._groups[g]){ this._groups[g] = []; } this._groups[g].push(child); }else{ this._groups["XnoGroupX"].push(child); } }, _handleKey: function(/* Event */e){ // summary: Handle keyboard navigation internally if(!this.open){ return; } var dk = dojo.keys; var key = (e.charCode == dk.SPACE ? dk.SPACE : e.keyCode); switch(key){ case dk.ESCAPE: this.hide(); break; case dk.DOWN_ARROW: case dk.RIGHT_ARROW: case 78: // key "n" this._nextImage(); break; case dk.UP_ARROW: case dk.LEFT_ARROW: case 80: // key "p" this._prevImage(); break; } }, _scaleToFit: function(/* Object */size){ // summary: resize an image to fit within the bounds of the viewport // size: Object // The 'size' object passed around for this image var ns = {}; // one of the dimensions is too big, go with the smaller viewport edge: if(this._vp.h > this._vp.w){ // don't actually touch the edges: ns.w = this._vp.w - 70; ns.h = ns.w * (size.h / size.w); }else{ // give a little room for the titlenode, too: ns.h = this._vp.h - 80; ns.w = ns.h * (size.w / size.h); } // trigger the nasty width="auto" workaround in show() this._wasStyled = true; // we actually have to style this image, it's too big var s = this.imgNode.style; s.height = ns.h + "px"; s.width = ns.w + "px"; ns.duration = size.duration; return ns; // Object }, _position: function(/* Event */e){ // summary: we want to know the viewport size any time it changes this.inherited(arguments); this._vp = dijit.getViewport(); }, _makeAnims: function(){ // summary: make and cleanup animation and animation connections dojo.forEach(this._animConnects,dojo.disconnect); this._animConnects = []; this._showImageAnim = dojo.fadeIn({ node: this.imgNode, duration: this.duration }); this._animConnects.push(dojo.connect(this._showImageAnim, "onEnd", this, "_showNav")); this._loadingAnim = dojo.fx.combine([ dojo.fadeOut({ node:this.imgNode, duration:175 }), dojo.fadeOut({ node:this.titleNode, duration:175 }) ]); this._animConnects.push(dojo.connect(this._loadingAnim, "onEnd", this, "_prepNodes")); this._showNavAnim = dojo.fadeIn({ node: this.titleNode, duration:225 }); } }); }