/** * Rich Cart Widget * This widget provides the main rich cart functionality. * Created by Jim Barraud, 10/11/06 * Reworked by James Wiltshire, 01/17/2007 * * Updated to Dojo 1.0 */ dojo.provide("atg.store.widget.RichCartSummary"); // dojo.require("dojo.fx"); // dojo.require("dijit._Widget"); // dojo.require("dijit._Templated"); // dojo.require("dijit._Container"); //dojo.require("atg.store.widget.RichCartSummaryItem"); dojo.declare( "atg.store.widget.RichCartSummary", [dijit._Widget, dijit._Templated, dijit._Container], { // Define all global variables for the widget. // templateString: dojo.cache("dijit", contextPath + "/javascript/widget/template/richCartSummary.html"), // dojo.uri.dojoUri(contextPath+"/javascript/widget/template/richCartSummary.html"), templateString: '


${i18n.your} ${i18n.itemsSubtotal}${i18n.labelSeparator}
${i18n.viewCart} ${i18n.checkout}
', // Widget properties triggerWidget: null, // Reference to trigger widget data: null, // Cart data - should be set with initial widget initialisation properties quantityNodeId: null, // DOM ID of the node to contain the cart quantity - i.e. "Show Cart (3)" hijackClassName: null, // CSS class used to signify forms/anchors to hijack highlightColor: null, // Color used to highlight newly added items firstPlacementDone: false, cartAnimationInProgress: false, duration:{ // Durations in ms of animation elements highlight: 3000, scroll:500, wipe: 280, autoHide:5000 }, /** * Initialize the widget */ afterStartup: function(){ console.debug("Initializing RichCartSummary widget"); // Load any initial data into the widget if (this.data!==null){ this.setAllCartData(this.data); } // Hook up event handling var _this=this; dojo.connect(window, "onresize", this, "placeCart"); dojo.connect(window, "onscroll", this, "placeCart"); dojo.connect(document.body, "onclick", function(evt){ // If body is clicked and cart is showing, hide it. var type=evt.target.nodeName; //Ignore clicks on links or submit buttons as they'll be perfoming an action themselves. //if (_this.isShowing && type!="A" && type!="INPUT" && type!="BUTTON"){ _this.hide(); //} }); dojo.connect(this.domNode, "onclick", function(evt){ // Prevent body from handling click within the cart evt.stopPropagation(); }); this.triggerWidget=dijit.byId("richCartTrigger"); if (this.doHijack===true){ this.hijackAllAddToCartNodes(); } }, /* * Replace postCreate with startup. postCreate removed from dojo 0.9 */ startup: function(){ console.debug("Startup RichCartSummary widget"); var _this=this; dojo.addOnLoad(function(){ // Prepare for first show animation - hide the element's domNode and call the // hide animation. Set a callback to change the visibility when hide is complete. _this.domNode.style.visibility="hidden"; _this.attachToContainer(); _this.hide(function(){ _this.domNode.style.visibility="visible"; }); }); this.afterStartup(); }, /** * Set the rich cart to display all of the passed in data. This function will be * called whenever the rich cart widget is initialised (i.e. on page load) and * also whenever an item has been added to the cart and a JSON XHR response * is received containing the new cart contents. */ setAllCartData: function(pData){ console.debug("Setting all cart data"); // console.debug(pData); this.data=pData; this.clearCartItems(); this.setCartSummaryData(); if (pData.items){ // Create CartSummaryItem widget for each line item and add to this parent widget for (var i=0; i 0) ? cartLeft : 0; // Top position is directly under the trigger link triggerHeight = dojo._getMarginBox(node.parentNode).h; scrollOffsetHeight=dijit.getViewport().t; console.debug('scrollOffsetHeight' + scrollOffsetHeight); cartTop = pos.y; cartTop = (cartTop-scrollOffsetHeight > 0) ? cartTop : scrollOffsetHeight; console.debug("Placing cart @ "+cartLeft+", "+cartTop); this.domNode.style.left=cartLeft+"px"; this.domNode.style.top=cartTop+"px"; this.domNode.style.zIndex="1000"; // If we have a bgIframe for IE6, resize it so it's positioned directly under the cart if (this.bgIframe){ this.bgIframe.size(this.domNode); } }, /** * Show the Rich Cart */ show: function(callback) { console.debug('show cart'); if (this.isShowing){ // If we've been passed a callback function, then call it even if we're showing. It's // most likely that a new item has been added, and the callback is the highlight if (callback){ callback(); } return; } if (this.cartAnimationInProgress===true){ return; } this.cartAnimationInProgress=true; this.placeCart(); var _this=this; console.debug('show:node: ' + this.domNode); console.debug('show:duration: ' + this.duration.wipe); var wipeAnimation=dojo.fx.wipeIn({ node: this.domNode, duration: this.duration.wipe, onEnd: function() { _this.isShowing = true; _this.cartAnimationInProgress=false; // IE6 - prevent form elements from shining through cart with hidden bg iframe if(dojo.isIE){ if(dojo.isIE < 6){ if(!_this.bgIframe){ _this.bgIframe = new dijit.BackgroundIframe(); _this.bgIframe.setZIndex(_this.domNode); } _this.bgIframe.size(_this.domNode); _this.bgIframe.show(); } } if (callback && dojo.isFunction(callback)){ callback(); } } }); console.debug("after wipe animation"); var fadeAnimation=dojo.fadeIn({ node: this.domNode, properties: { opacity: { start:0.3, end:0.1 }}, duration: this.duration.wipe} ); dojo.fx.combine([wipeAnimation,fadeAnimation]).play(); this.triggerWidget.updateTriggerDisplay(); }, /** * Hide the Rich Cart */ hide: function(callback){ if (this.cartAnimationInProgress===true){ return; } this.cartAnimationInProgress=true; var _this=this; console.debug('hide:node: ' + this.domNode); console.debug('hide:duration: ' + this.duration.wipe); var wipeAnimation=dojo.fx.wipeOut({ node: this.domNode, duration: this.duration.wipe, onEnd: function(){ _this.isShowing = false; _this.cartAnimationInProgress=false; _this.triggerWidget.updateTriggerDisplay(); // IE6 - Prevent form element shine through - hide hidden iframe if(_this.bgIframe){ _this.bgIframe.hide(); _this.bgIframe.size({left:0, top:0, width:0, height:0}); } if (callback && dojo.isFunction(callback)){ callback(); } }}); // var fadeAnimation=dojo.fadeIn(this.domNode, { start:1, end: 0.8 }, this.duration.wipe); var fadeAnimation=dojo.fadeOut({node: this.domNode, properties: { opacity: { start:1, end:0.8 }}, duration: this.duration.wipe} ); dojo.fx.combine([wipeAnimation,fadeAnimation]).play(); this.clearAutoHide(); }, /* * Get an array of all items that have been flagged as 'modified. This will * usually be just a single item - the item that has just been added to the cart. */ getChangedItemWidgets: function(){ var changedItems=[]; var item; var children = this.getChildren(); for (var i=0; i0){ changedItems[0].scrollIntoView(); } for (var i=0; i and tags that are submitted or clicked * to add items to the cart. All of these nodes must be 'hijacked' so that the * http request uses XHR so that the rich cart can operate. */ hijackAllAddToCartNodes: function(){ console.debug("Connecting RichCart to all elements with class ["+this.hijackClassName+"]"); var _this = this; console.debug('class name: ' + this.hijackClassName); dojo.query("*."+this.hijackClassName).forEach(function(node) { _this.hijackNode(node); }); }, /* * Hijack a node. The node should be either a
or an node. * Hookup the submit to use XHR instead of standard browser request, and * process the returned JSON data with the handleRespones() function * */ hijackNode: function(node){ console.debug("Hijacking node"); console.debug(node); if (node.isHijacked){ console.debug("Node is already hijacked - ignoring"); return; } node.isHijacked=true; // Create object with common params for io.bind call var _this = this; // var _node = node; var bindParams={ headers: { "Accept" : "application/json" }, // mimetype: "application/json", handleAs: "json", load: function(data, ioArgs) { _this.handleResponse(data,node); }, error: function(data, ioArgs) { _this.handleError(data, ioArgs); }, timeout: function(data, ioArgs) { _this.handleError(data, ioArgs); } }; if (node.nodeName=="INPUT"){ dojo.connect(node, "onclick", function(evt){ evt.cancelBubble=true; evt.preventDefault(); // Get parent form node for this input node var formNode=_this.getParentNode(node, "form"); console.debug('formNode: ' + formNode); // Create content object with the name/value pair of the submit button that's been clicked // dojo.io.bind doesn't send the value of submit buttons when serializing the form as it // doesn't know which one has been clicked. Server side FormHandlers need this data to // invoke the correct formHandler method. var content={}; content[node.name]=node.value; console.debug("Add to Cart form clicked - submitting form"); // console.debug(formNode); // bug fixed: 154139 // hide div with error messages var errDivs = dojo.query("#atg_store_formValidationError").concat(dojo.query(".atg_store_productDisplay_errorMsg")); if(errDivs) { console.debug("Hide error elements"); for (var i = 0; errDivs.length > i; i++) { errDivs[i].style.display="none"; } } // Add the form node and the submit button name/value to the io.bind params dojo._mixin(bindParams,{ form: formNode, content: content }); _this.disableNode(node); dojo.xhrPost(bindParams); return false; }); } else if (node.nodeName=="A"){ dojo.connect(node, "onclick", function(evt){ console.debug("Add to Cart link clicked"); evt.preventDefault(); // Ensure it's not a double click if (node.currentlyAdding && node.currentlyAdding===true){ console.debug("This link has already been clicked - ignoring"); return; } // Add the URL of the clicked link to the io.bind params dojo._mixin(bindParams,{ url: node.href }); _this.disableNode(node); dojo.xhrGet(bindParams); }); } else{ console.debug("Node is not a form submit or an anchor - ignoring"); } }, /** * Attach this widget's domNode to its containing node */ attachToContainer: function(){ console.debug("Appending cart domNode to " + this.domNode); document.body.appendChild(this.domNode); }, /** * Function that will be called whenever an error or timeout occurs with an io.bind call * Changes the page location to 'url.error'. This is usually set to the standard cart * page, so if anything goes wrong with the Rich Cart, we get to fall back to the standard cart. */ handleError: function(data, ioArgs){ console.debug("RichCartSummary:handleError"); document.location=this.url.error; }, /** * Disable a node whilst it is being added to the cart. Used to prevent double clicks resulting * in duplicate additions to the cart. */ disableNode: function(node){ if (node.nodeName=="INPUT"){ // Store original properties we're about to mess with node.originalProps={}; node.originalProps.width=node.style.width; node.originalProps.height=node.style.height; // Set values for width and height so element doesn't change size node.style.width=dojo._getBorderBox(node).w+"px"; node.originalProps.value=node.value; node.disabled=true; node.value=this.i18n.addingToCart; } else if (node.nodeName=="A"){ //Edited In Order To Preserve Width During Dynamic InnerHTML Change // Acquire child span of A if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') !=-1){ var childspan = node.childNodes[0]; }else{ var childspan = node.childNodes[1]; } // Store original properties we're about to mess with node.originalProps={}; node.originalProps.width=childspan.style.width; node.originalProps.height=childspan.style.height; // Get The "span" padding-left basepadding = dojo.style(childspan, "paddingLeft"); // Get the "span" offsetWidth , and subtract the left padding from it. basewidth = childspan.offsetWidth - basepadding; // Set a fixed width on the "span" element childspan.style.width=basewidth+"px"; // Set values for width and height so element doesn't change size node.originalProps.innerHTML=childspan.innerHTML; node.currentlyAdding=true; childspan.innerHTML=this.i18n.addingToCart; } }, /** * Re-enable a node that has been disabled by disableNode(); */ enableNode: function(node){ if (node.nodeName=="INPUT"){ node.disabled=false; node.value=node.originalProps.value; // Reset size attributes node.style.width=node.originalProps.width; node.style.height=node.originalProps.height; node.originalProps=null; } else if (node.nodeName=="A"){ //Acquire child span of A if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') !=-1) { var childspan = node.childNodes[0]; } else { var childspan = node.childNodes[1]; } node.currentlyAdding=false; childspan.innerHTML=node.originalProps.innerHTML; // Reset size attributes childspan.style.width=node.originalProps.width; childspan.style.height=node.originalProps.height; node.originalProps=null; } }, /** * Resubmit the AddToCart form using a normal HTTP request (non XHR). * The Submit button's node should be passed in to signify which button was clicked. */ resubmitForm: function(node){ // Create hidden form element to copy submit button's value into. Need to do this as disabled elements // are not submitted from a form by the browser. console.debug("RichCartSummary:resubmit from"); var replacementNode=document.createElement("input"); replacementNode.type="hidden"; replacementNode.name=node.name; replacementNode.value=node.value; // Append this to the parent form var formNode=this.getParentNode(node, "FORM"); formNode.appendChild(replacementNode); formNode.submit(); }, getParentNode: function(/* HTMLElement */node, /* string */type) { // summary // Returns the first ancestor of node with tagName type. var _document = dojo.doc; var parent = dojo.byId(node); type = type.toLowerCase(); while((parent)&&(parent.nodeName.toLowerCase()!=type)){ if(parent==(_document["body"]||_document["documentElement"])){ return null; } parent = parent.parentNode; } return parent; // HTMLElement } } );