/** * This file contains Javascript utility functions used throughout the store application. */ dojo.provide("atg.store.util"); dojo.require("dojo._base.event"); atg.store.util={ /** * Generic function to toggle tabs. Must HTML-code tabs as follows *
* *
* ... *
* * In other words, the ID of each of the content
's must be equal to the correspoding title
  • 's, *plus* the string "Content" */ genericToggleTab: function(e, registeredTabs, pOtherArgs) { var o; var now = new Date(); if (e.srcElement) { o = e.srcElement } else { o = e.target; } // Ignore if we're not dealing with a registered tab var shouldIgnore = true; for (var tab in registeredTabs) { if (o.id == registeredTabs[tab]) { shouldIgnore = false; break; } } if (shouldIgnore) { return; } // enabled the just-clicked tab o.className += " TabbedPanelsTabSelected"; var divId = o.id + "Content"; dojo.byId(divId).style.display = "block"; // optionally load its contents using Ajax if (pOtherArgs != null) { if (pOtherArgs.loadUsingAjax == true) { var bindArgs = { content: {productId: pOtherArgs.productId, isDisplayPopular: pOtherArgs.isDisplayPopular}, url : "/store/browse/gadgets/" + o.id + "Content.jsp", error : function(response, ioArgs) { console.debug("Error: " + response); }, load : function(response, ioArgs) { console.debug("Loading HTMl for DIV " + divId); var mainObject = dojo.byId(divId); if (mainObject) { console.debug("Response is " + response); mainObject.innerHTML = response; } } }; dojo.xhrGet(bindArgs); } } // Now disable all tabs except the one just clicked for (var tab in registeredTabs) { if (o.id == registeredTabs[tab]) { // skip the just-clicked tab continue; } console.log("Current tab is " + registeredTabs[tab] + " index is " + tab); if (dojo.byId(registeredTabs[tab]) != null && dojo.byId(registeredTabs[tab]).className != null) { dojo.byId(registeredTabs[tab]).className = dojo.byId(registeredTabs[tab]).className.replace(" TabbedPanelsTabSelected",""); dojo.byId(registeredTabs[tab] + "Content").style.display = "none"; } } }, searchReady: false, searchFieldBehaviors: function(inputNode, buttonNode){ // set the default on page load value inputNode.inputValue = inputNode.value; dojo.connect(inputNode, 'onfocus', function(evt){ evt.target.value = (evt.target.value == evt.target.inputValue)? "" : evt.target.value; atg.store.util.searchReady = true; dojo.disconnect(preventSubmit); }); var preventSubmit = dojo.connect(buttonNode, 'onclick', function(evt){ if(!atg.store.util.searchReady) evt.preventDefault(); }); }, richButtons: function(spanClass){ dojo.query('span.'+spanClass).forEach(function(spanButton){ dojo.connect(spanButton, 'onclick', function(evt){ console.debug("EVT: ",evt.target); if(evt.target.nodeName == "SPAN"){ dojo.query("input[type=submit]", evt.target)[0].click(); dojo.stopEvent(evt); evt.cancelBubble=true; evt.preventDefault(); } }); }); }, // Function to highlight a selected area // based on a radio selection in the scroll address UI gadget // Node ID is parent DIV ID, behavior will be applied to all child radio buttons initAddressHighlighter: function(nodeID){ // find the parent node for the address picker var addressGroup = dojo.query("#atg_store_savedAddresses")[0]; // do we have this node, don't apply the behavior if(addressGroup){ // find all the input buttons that happen to have the name address and loop console.debug(dojo.query("input[name=address]", addressGroup)); dojo.query("input[name=address]", addressGroup).forEach( // for each elements function(radioTag){ // apply an onlick behavior that runs the which is selected now function dojo.connect(radioTag, "onchange", atg.store.util.parseRadioButtons); } ); // see which button is pressed now to init the UI atg.store.util.parseRadioButtons(); } }, parseRadioButtons: function(){ // find the parent node for the address picker var addressGroup = dojo.query("#atg_store_savedAddresses")[0]; // find all the input buttons that happen to have the name address and loop dojo.query("input[name=address]", addressGroup).forEach( // for each element function(radioTag){ // remove the selected state to get a clean slate dojo.removeClass(radioTag.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode, "selected"); // if this radio is currently checked if(radioTag.checked == true){ // add the selected classname dojo.addClass(radioTag.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode, "selected"); } } ); }, openwindow:function(url,name,iWidth,iHeight) { var url; var name; var iWidth; var iHeight; var iTop = (window.screen.availHeight-30-iHeight)/2; var iLeft = (window.screen.availWidth-10-iWidth)/2; var param = 'height='+iHeight+',,innerHeight='+iHeight+',width='+iWidth+',innerWidth='+iWidth+',top='+iTop+',left='+iLeft+',toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizeable=no,location=no,status=no'; window.open(url,name,param); }, /** * The email campaign popup. First check the form fields to * make sure we can submit. */ emailSignup: function(URL, theForm) { // need to make sure the required fields are not null var openWindow = true; // check to see if we have an email address at all var addressEntered = theForm.atg_store_signUpInput.value; if (dojo.trim(addressEntered) === "") { openWindow = false; } //if email id is not valid don't open the window if (!(/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/.test(addressEntered))){ openWindow = false; } // don't open window if we had a form error if (openWindow) { document.open(URL,"","scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,directories=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,status=yes,width=480,height=500"); } }, /** * Popup Window Handler */ setUpPopupEnhance: function() { var popup = function(obj){ dojo.stopEvent(obj.evt); document.open(obj.evt.currentTarget,"","scrollbars=yes,toolbar=no,directories=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,status=yes,width="+obj.width+",height="+obj.height); return false; }; dojo.query("[target=popup]").forEach( function(item, index, array){ console.debug("Adding Popup Trigger Behavior to: ", item); dojo.connect(item, 'onclick', null, function(evt){ popup({evt:evt, height: 500, width: 565 }); }); } ); dojo.query("[target=popupLarge]").forEach( function(itemLarge, index, array){ console.debug("Adding Popup Trigger Behavior to: ", itemLarge); dojo.connect(itemLarge, 'onclick', null, function(evt){ popup({evt:evt, height: 650, width: 565 }); }); } ); }, /** * Add return key disabling to all input fields */ addReturnHandling: function(){ dojo.query('form').forEach( function(formNode){ if(dojo.indexOf(formIdArray, formNode.id)<0){ dojo.query("*", formNode).forEach( function(formElement){ //dojo.connect(formElement, "onkeypress", atg.store.util, "killEnter"); }); } }); /*dojo.query("input[type=text], input[type=submit], input[type=radio], input[type=checkbox], input[type=password], button, select").forEach( function(item, index, array){ console.debug("Adding Enter Disabling Behavior to: ", item); dojo.connect(item, "onkeypress", atg.store.util, "killEnter"); } );*/ }, /** * Return false if the key pressed in the event object is the return key, true otherwise */ killEnter: function(evt) { if(evt.charOrCode == dojo.keys.ENTER) { console.debug(evt.target.type); if(evt.target.tagName!='TEXTAREA' && evt.target.tagName!='A' && evt.target.type!='submit' && evt.target.type!='reset'){ evt.preventDefault(); return false; } } return true; }, /** * Add numeric validation on keydown to input with the classname "atg_store_numericInput" and id "atg_store_quantityField"" */ addNumericValidation: function(node){ if(!node){ dojo.query(".atg_store_numericInput").forEach( function(item, index, array){ console.debug("Adding Numeric Validation Behavior to: ", item); dojo.connect(item, "onkeydown", atg.store.util, "isNumeric"); dojo.connect(item, "onchange", atg.store.util, "checkNumericPaste"); } ); } else { dojo.connect(node, "onkeydown", atg.store.util, "isNumeric"); dojo.connect(node, "onchange", atg.store.util, "checkNumericPaste"); } }, /** * Return true if the key pressed in the event object is numeric or a cursor control key * such as backspace, cursor left/right etc.; false otherwise */ isNumeric: function(evt){ var theEvent = evt || window.event; var key = theEvent.keyCode || theEvent.which; keystring = String.fromCharCode( key ); if(evt.altKey || evt.ctrlKey || evt.shiftKey){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); } else { if( !(key == dojo.keys.NUMPAD_0 || key == dojo.keys.NUMPAD_1 || key == dojo.keys.NUMPAD_2 || key == dojo.keys.NUMPAD_3 || key == dojo.keys.NUMPAD_4 || key == dojo.keys.NUMPAD_5 || key == dojo.keys.NUMPAD_6 || key == dojo.keys.NUMPAD_7 || key == dojo.keys.NUMPAD_8 || key == dojo.keys.NUMPAD_9 || key == dojo.keys.BACKSPACE || key == dojo.keys.ENTER || key == dojo.keys.ESCAPE || key == dojo.keys.END || key == dojo.keys.HOME || key == dojo.keys.DELETE || key == dojo.keys.LEFT_ARROW || key == dojo.keys.RIGHT_ARROW || key == dojo.keys.UP_ARROW || key == dojo.keys.DOWN_ARROW) ) { if(isNaN(keystring)){ dojo.stopEvent(evt); } } } }, checkNumericPaste: function(evt){ if(isNaN(evt.target.value) ) { evt.target.value=""; } }, /** * Update facet trail value */ updateFacetTrail: function(xkeyword){ var trltxt = dojo.string.trim(document.facetSearch.trailtext.value); if(trltxt === "" || trltxt === dojo.string.trim(xkeyword)){ document.facetSearch.addFacet.value=""; document.facetSearch.trailtext.value=""; } else{ document.facetSearch.addFacet.value="SRCH:"+trltxt; } return true; }, /** * Display block if none */ toggleOptions: function(divName){ console.debug("toggleOptions ("+divName+") is called"); var children = document.getElementById(divName).getElementsByTagName('li'); console.debug(children.length+ " childrens are found"); for(var i=0; i maxLimit) { targetNode.value = targetNode.value.substring(0, maxLimit); } var countSpan=dojo.query("em", targetNode.parentNode)[0]; countSpan.innerHTML = targetNode.value.length; }, /** * Disable nodes that have atg_behavior_disableOnClick CSS class applied to them when they are clicked. * * Expects the following attributes passed in on the params object * cssClass: CSS class denoting the behavior * defaultDisabledValue: Text value that will be set on the node when clicked and disabled * freezeWidth: boolean signifying whether the width of the nodes should be retained * * Any node that the behavior is attached to will be disabled whenever a click event is intercepted. This * should help prevent any double submit errors on the server. * * A 'disabledValue' attribute may be set on the node itself. This value will override any default * value that is set on this function. */ applyDisableOnClickBehavior: function(params){ var elements=dojo.query(params.cssClass); console.debug("Applying DisableOnClick behavior to "+elements.length+" nodes with class ["+params.cssClass+"]"); for (var i=0; i